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The Bright Side of Being Canceled

The Bright Side of Being Canceled

We've been canceled by our insurance... again... Running a small farm business is more challenging in today's world than most people would imagine. But I am here to say... 

Thank you FDA, FTC, local government and insurance- from the bottom of my heart- I am SO grateful for how you have been used in our lives. We couldn't (and probably wouldn't) have done it without you- and we LOVE where we are today!!

Have I gone crazy? Am I being sarcastic? NOPE?! Keep reading.....

Unfortunately, we are not alone in struggling to provide the services and produce we grow here on our acres. Small farms are being squeezed out all over the country with a patchwork of regulations, both federal and local, that are threatening their very existence.

It's an inconvenience for sure. I'll admit to a certain amount of struggle in keeping my positive outlook...I might be guilty of dissolving into a bit of yelling- so I must be a bit angry.

I catch myself wishing we could just run our business without any interference and be left in peace... but then I realize what that would look like-


The Bright Side

In life, and in business, when you meet a rough patch, you are forced to either refine your processes and approach... or quit!

If you aren't really committed to what's brought you trouble, you simply quit and find something else to do.

If you care enough about what you are trying to accomplish, you change. You take direction, reach out to others for advice, innovate... and push on. It is HARD. It is uncomfortable... but it doesn't have to be viewed as a sort of punishment. It isn't personal- it will happen to ANYONE who truly wishes to make a difference in the world. Failure is required on the path to success- and so is difficulty. It takes a "meh" idea and sharpens it into brilliance. 

We are SO EXCITED about where all this growth is leading us as a family and as a business. We have been forced to refine our message and our mission. All that is left after each storm is the best of what we have to offer- We are ready to grow in ways we never dreamed, producing only the things we REALLY love!

Operation Quack Hack

If you've been around for the last few years, you'll know we've been slowly recovering from being caught up in Operation Quack Hack. I feel ridiculous every time I write that or say it out loud!! But this was an actual governmental initiative. It led to the creation of the C VID - 19 Task Force which was made up of the FDA and the FTC.

I was convicted of "mitigation" (helping others not have the worst outcome possible) because of an informational post I made about how to make mustard plasters, and sit in a steamy bathroom. I did not claim to be able to cure anyone, did not question anyone's choice of treatments, nor did I try to sell anything controversial. It encouraged wise use of medical options as well as strategies for home management. The post was simply a list of common-sense advice your grandmother would give you. Because I mentioned the current virus by name, their search bots flagged our business.

Here's what happened:

  • Our farm and all its assets were under threat of seizure (48 hours to comply with their demands)
  • We were threatened to stop all education in relation to viruses
  • Our farm insurance (farm, home and cars) was discontinued
  • Our payment processors canceled us
  • Our website was restricted and eventually destroyed
  • Our email and social media was combed for violations of unacceptable speech
  • We were put on a list of offenders with no due process

We had to make changes... and that has been going on behind the scenes ever since. It started with creating a private membership... but our products have been undergoing a LOT of changes that haven't been seen... yet.

Insurance Cancelation

Just as we are about to crest the hill and return to the public eye... here comes the insurance industry again.

They have specifically dropped us because:

  • We make botanical supplements
  • We have classes and events on our farm
We're not quite ready to fully lift the curtain on our "coming attractions" but in many ways the insurance company had NO RIGHT to claim we were out of compliance. 
  • First- none of the products we sell are in the public sphere. They do not insure any of them as they are part of our 508c1a. 
  • Second- Ohio has regulations in place specifically to encourage agritourism. They have enacted legislation that takes liability off of the farmer (and the insurer) for activities involved in tourism on farms.
  • For the other part of why they are wrong ... I'll just have to be cryptic and say that in the next few weeks you're going to see the culmination of how we are rising from the ashes. You're going to find Soda Farm in a different part of the grocery store from this point on.

While we've got some new products coming... some of the old will have to go. Unfortunately, the FDA administratively made most supplements illegal during the pandemic. They did it quietly and without congress. You are going to continue seeing disruptions in the natural health industry- mark my words.


We simply can't make anything that looks or suggests "medicine" in the public eye anymore- at least not as a farm. There is a concerted effort to eliminate small farms and small makers from our economy. To survive, we need to adapt.

Our website now contains a "Discontinued" section for all of our products that fall into that category. We have stopped making them... if you have a favorite you have one of two options:

  1. Grab what you can before it's gone.
  2. Join our Proactive Health Club- we will continue to make supplies for our homestead. If you need something and we have it on our personal shelves, we are happy to share, but only for members. Drop in and ask or send us a note... we'll make arrangements.


We Didn't Quit

We believe we were given the drive and direction for this business from our Creator. I mentioned above that your choices when presented with trouble are to quit... or innovate and refine.

We aren't quitting. We're still standing, after 20 years of navigating around more obstacles than I have time to write here. It has been HARD... and incredibly uncomfortable. We've lived on the barest of margins with the barest of necessities in the face of certain collapse- and yet we've been provided for.

We are rising from the ashes and just wait until you see where we're being led now!

So....Thank you FDA, FTC, local government and insurance- from the bottom of my heart- I am SO grateful for how you have been used in our lives. We couldn't (and probably wouldn't) have done it without you- and we LOVE where we are today!!

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  • I can’t wait to see where God is leading you! I Love this post, it’s so encouraging! You guys are awesome overcomers !! Everything that your family has been through was and is being put through the fire! Thank you for leading with such heart and passion. You are a beacon of light shining out of this dark world. Your test of Faith is such a TESTIMONY!!


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